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AI enables finance, GFC support and participate in

On March 24, the "CPA Canada Shanghai Chapter Annual Party" was held in Shanghai Wanda Reign Hotel. The theme of the meeting was "the future of 2019", and nearly 120 guests attended the meeting. As a supporting unit, GFC actively participated in this activity, attended by Mr. Cao jun, CEO of GFC, Mr. Lu ping, general manager, Ms. Liang mei, director of tax consulting department, etc.

With the advent of the era of electronic data, electronic payment and electronic invoice have been rapidly popularized.Social transaction data has changed from being closed in government departments to being open for use by enterprises.OCR image recognition has even changed the data from paper documents to electronic documents, laying a good foundation for the analysis of large accounts. As a consulting company dedicated to providing professional solutions for customers, GFC has invested a lot of manpower and material resources in technology and intelligent application, hoping to enable financial operation and management with the help of AI .

 And the "BPO+" intelligent solutions in the third-party automation solutions, through the application of various advanced technologies in the market, process optimization, efficient management, directly saveing 50% of the human cost. The T&E end-to-end automation solution improves the efficiency of the reimbursement process from the user to the financial department, and the financial department will save 30% labor. In addition, automation tools have many advantages, it only takes 2-6 weeks to go online quickly, reduce human cost, easy to expand the quantity and range, automatic robot can work 7 x24 hours all year round, release the productive forces, the adaptive identification can maximum limit to avoid human error, establish monitoring records, footprint is clearly visible.

At the event site, GFC set up a booth for members to come to consult and communicate. With the development of Internet technology and new technology companies, technology has begun to empower enterprises to serve the market.  GFC hopes to help Chinese customers make full use of the rapid iteration technology to create value relying on the unique experience accumulated in the financial field and the ability of new technologies in the past 10 years. The guests who came to the booth to inquire were all very concerned about the development and application of new technology, especially the impact of technology on financial work and how to help finance to upgrade the work content.

The theme sharing and round-table discussions of the conference are unforgettable, and the dinner party has crept in. Wendy Wang, President of CPA Canada Shanghai Chapter, delivered a speech for the guests,He reviewing the past and looking forward to the new future of CPA Canada Shanghai Chapter in 2019.The CEO of CPA Canada also sent a condolence speech to all members in Shanghai through video. In the lucky draw, GFC consulting co., ltd. sponsored two Huawei mobile phones as the first prize. Mr. Cao jun, CEO of GFC consulting co., ltd. acted as the special guest to present awards for the two lucky guests.

In 2019, all kinds of technologies will become more mature and perfect. As a local consultancy company, GFC consulting hopes to provide more excellent professional services for its peers the industry with its rich experience and excellent professional ability and combining with the application of new technologies.

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